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Physical and Health Education courses foster the development of knowledge, skills and attitudes that will contribute to a student’s balanced and healthy lifestyle. It focuses on both learning about and learning through physical activity. Through Physical and Health Education, students can learn to appreciate and respect the ideas of others and develop effective collaboration and communication skills. Physical activity and health are of central importance to human identity and global communities. They create meaningful connections among people, nations, cultures and the natural world. Finally, it provides the learner knowledge and skills necessary to make informed decisions in regard to the selection, acquisition and use of products, services and information related to games, sport and physical activity.
Aims: As stated in the MYP Physical and health education guide, the aims of MYP physical and health education are to encourage and enable students to: 
  • use inquiry to explore physical and health education concepts 
  • participate effectively in a variety of contexts 
  • understand the value of physical activity 
  • achieve and maintain a healthy lifestyle 
  • collaborate and communicate effectively 
  • build positive relationships and demonstrate social responsibility 
  • reflect on their learning experiences