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An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity.
Martin Luther King Jr.
At ISB, Service Learning is a program which aims to provide experiential learning beyond the classroom for the students, while at the same time providing them with a way to demonstrate ISB’s core values of Integrity, Responsibility, Respect and most of all Empathy. Service Learning pivots around the students’ selfless dedication towards their community – both within and beyond the ISB walls – while developing a passion for learning and a growth mindset at the same time. 
Service as Action (MYP)
The primary focus of service in the MYP is on students’ interaction and service work within the community, and at local and global levels. Service as Action focuses on developing the following outcomes:
  • Feeling empathy towards others
  • Making small-scale changes to behaviors
  • Undertaking larger and more significant projects
  • Acting independently 
  • Acting collaboratively
  • Taking physical action
  • Suggesting modifications to an existing system to the benefit of all involved
  • Lobbying people in more influential positions to act
Currently, all of our grade 6-10 students are required to participate in at least one of the service activities offered by the school throughout the school year. The school usually offers 5-6 different service activities which occur after school, between 3:10pm and 4:30pm. The activities are designed to provide students with a variety of different interest areas, such as poverty relief, animal rights, youth empowerment, environmental issues, and many others. Students can pick and choose different activities throughout the three seasons, but the requirement is that they participate in at least one activity. Furthermore, students are encouraged to initiate their own service activities as well. 
Creativity, Action, Service (CAS)
The CAS requirement is at the very core of the IB Diploma Programme and it concentrates on the non-academic aspect of school life, providing a fresh counterbalance to academic studies. As students enter the Diploma Programme, they are expected to act within their school, local community, and hopefully in the global community. The program concentrates on developing creative skills, physical ability, and active service. IB Diploma candidates are required to complete 6 CAS experiences over their two years in order to receive their diploma.
The CAS program has three essential components:
Planning: Students need to plan out and think about each of the activities that they do prior to actually undertaking them.
Implementation: Students remain dedicated to the task throughout the duration of its existence. 
Reflection: Students reflect on their performance after the completion of the task, noting their strengths, weaknesses, new experiences, and future possibilities.
Taking part in creative, action and service-based activities, allows students to engage with local and international non-government organizations. Students are encouraged to take the initiative, as they become aware of the humanitarian issues across the world. Through CAS, students learn to become better informed and caring citizens of the world. In fact, most of our existing programs have been initiated by former students and as such have special value to our community. 
To learn more about the CAS program please refer to the CAS Handbook.