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Ljiljana Baloš
Ljiljana Baloš
ISB Doctor
ISB considers the health and safety of its students and faculty of vital importance. The school has a full-time, fully accredited School Physician on staff as well as a number of staff members who have been trained in basic first aid and CPR.  

The duties of the School Physician include providing immediate care for students who fall ill or are injured at school. In more serious emergency conditions, the School Physician contacts parents/guardians via phone, guides them, and performs the emergency first aid which is in the best interest of the student’s health. The School Physician also communicates regularly with the entire school community about health issues through letters in the Dragon Dispatch, and via e/mail sent from the Health Office on a needs basis.
Screenings for hearing, scoliosis, and vision, as well as head lice, when required (usually during winter period), are conducted at the school health office. After any screening has been conducted, the School Physician informs parents of that grade level about any recommendations that can be followed up and taken care of.

The School Physician also liaises regularly with health care professionals throughout Belgrade regarding issues of local concern and sends relevant information out to the ISB community. The School Physician is the Emergency Response Team coordinator, and in conjunction with the administration, makes recommendations concerning injury prevention. The School Physician is included as a resource person in the International Baccalaureate PYP and MYP Programs through Health education of our students, staff and parents.

The Health Office Info
  • ISB COVID protocols
  • The school does not normally take the responsibility for administering medicine to children and it should not be brought into school. In exceptional circumstances the School Physician may take charge of this. Written agreement from a parent and clear instructions on its use from a doctor are required.
  • If a child’s condition has been disrupted by symptoms of illness and the child needs to go home, parents will be contacted. If, in an emergency, we cannot contact anyone at home or the emergency contact person, the child will be taken directly to the nearest appropriate hospital accompanied by the school staff.
  • A child recovering from illness should return to school as advised by a child’s doctor and well enough to participate in a full school day, including recesses and P.E. lessons per doctor’s recommendation.
  • NOTE: Please review the ISB Health Manual for Parents in the Parental Portal
  • Health Office working hours: 7:45 am – 3:45 pm or 4:15pm during ASA
  • Contact Numbers: 011/206-9913, 062/8056-108; e-mail: [email protected]