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Student Body
470 students representing 47 nationalities
Age Range 3-18
Average Class Size of 15
Student to Teacher Ratio 8:1
91 Faculty, Teaching Assistants, and Specialists representing 17 nationalities with experience ranging from 3 to over 30 years.
64% of Faculty with Advanced Degrees
68% of Staff have an International Teaching Background
Academic Program

International Baccalaureate Programs:
Course of Studies /
Primary School (Pre-K-5)
Grade level IB PYP Units of Inquiry, Balanced Literacy/Guided Rading, Everyday Math, English as an Additional Language Support, Music, Art, Physical Education, Movement & Dance, Serbian Mother Tongue and Foreign Language classes. 

Middle School (6-8) and High School (9-10)
Courses offered are the IB MYP curriculum.
Language and Literature (English, Serbian); Language Acquisition (English, French, Spanish); Individuals and Societies; Sciences; Mathematics; Physical and Health Education; Arts (Performing and Visual Arts); and Design.
Enrichment themes: Creativity, Activity, Service, and Community.
High School (11-12) 
Courses offered are the IB Diploma Program curriculum. 
Language A1: English, Serbian, School-Supported Self-Taught Languages; Language B: English B, French B; Spanish B, Spanish ab initio (online); History: Europe; Psychology; Business and Management; Economics (SL & HL online); Biology, Chemistry, Physics; Environmental Systems & Societies; Mathematics; Visual Arts, Theatre; and Theory of Knowledge.
Average Class size
New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC)
Ministry of Education of the Republic of Serbia
Activities are organized according to students’ interests every semester. Activities typically include: arts & crafts, martial arts, basketball, soccer, study support, cooking, street dance, ballet, flag football, choir, SAT preparation, yoga, drama, ping-pong, baseball, lacrosse, chess club, science, creative writing, dance, band and individualized music lessons.
Basketball, soccer, volleyball, Knowledge Bowl, Math Counts, Speech & Debate, Choral Festival and Model United Nations (MUN).
College Placement
First graduating class was in 2006. One hundred percent of graduating classes go on to higher education. The goal of the college counseling program at ISB is to help students find the university that best fits their needs. Most ISB students apply to English-instruction universities in North America, the UK, and Europe.
Excursion Trips
Students in grades 5-12 take an annual academic/experiential learning trip. Subject areas also may have overnight trips tied to the curriculum to a variety of locations in Serbia and Europe.