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As per every holiday season, the ISB community was intent on sharing their privilege and taking a lead role in our community. At the initiative of our Grade 11 class, we spent the month of December collecting various donations for those that are in most need in our wider community of Belgrade. The result was a massive donation that was made to three different charities that have been long time partners of ours, that are very dedicated to improving the world around us and that are on the frontlines in battling poverty, homelessness and despair. 
So who did the contributions go to? These are the organisations and NGOs that our community have supported through their donations:
Bread of Life works with senior citizens that are alone and in very impoverished circumstances. They were extremely happy to receive a large contingent of basic food items and clothing for their users. 
Center for Youth Integration works with Roma street children and provides a daycare center for all of those that are willing to come in. They provide free shelter, food, clothing, hygiene and education to any child that knocks on their door. Donations of toys, clothing and school supplies were provided to them by our community. 
Jesuit Refugee Services are a home for refugee minors from the Middle East, that embarked on their quests for a better life on their own and without their parents. They received much needed clothing donations which we are certain they will enjoy in the new year. 
A special thank you to Marija, Kathleen, Mihailo, Yizheng and Andrej - our Grade 11 students who put forth such a compassionate, persistent and determined effort and be incredible leaders in the community. They are the true leaders of tomorrow and we are certain that their peers will follow their example in the future.
Finally, we thank our entire ISB community for participating in this drive and demonstrating our school values in action. 
Vladimir Stanojlovic
CAS Coordinator
The International School of Belgrade