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Here at ISB, our learning program is designed to ensure our students feel safe, supported, challenged, inspired and that they have ample opportunities to learn who they are and how they learn, while being exposed to a broad, balanced and rigorous academic program that provides as many opportunities as possible for their next stage at school.
Technology is an important tool that allows students and teachers to enhance and transform learning. It should never be used just for the sake of it, or to simply replace what can be done well with traditional media. 
Before using technology all teachers are expected to consider the following questions:
  • Does it open up deeper lines of inquiry?
  • Does it develop critical thinking skills?
  • Does it promote a global perspective?
  • Does it allow learning to be more personalized?
  • Does it encourage students to take ownership of their own learning?
  • Does it facilitate better collaboration, locally and globally? 
  • Does it allow students to publish their work and get feedback, globally?
To support our Primary and Middle School learners as they learn to use technology effectively, we have decided to issue all Grade Kindergarten to Grade 6 learners with a school owned iPad. This will be provided for free and will be the main device for learning, here at school. A school managed device like this, will enable us to support our learners as we will have a greater level of control over the apps and tools that are used for learning on campus. All Middle School learners will be able to take their iPad home for the full duration of the academic year and they will of course be able to use personal devices such as laptops or other computers at home. Primary School Student iPads are used only at school and when not in use stored at grade level iPad carts.