Meet ISB Students

Claire, Grade 9

Nationality: South Korea

Years at ISB:  Two
Previous educational experiences: Attended several national schools in Korea and also international schools in Greece and Poland.
Thoughts on ISB: It’s a relatively small school but this helps with bonding with students of different interests, cultures, and ages. Definitely great getting to know your teachers. Everyone here is very friendly and welcoming.
Favorite ISB moment so far: I am very interested in music and arts, so favorite moment would be when I performed the Seussical musical. I acted as Gertrude, one of the main roles, and it was so joyful to sing and act with my friends on the big stage.
Favorite subject: I really like Graphic Design. Very enjoyable illustrating, drawing, and expressing my creativity in the manner I want.
Activities: ISB has a variety of activities that mostly teachers of the school conduct, but students initiate. For example, my brother started a club for students with diplomatic interests last year and wrote a short book with accumulated interviews with important diplomats. I have taken part in the school’s soccer team, drama productions, math counts, choir, climbing club, and volleyball.
Expeditions: Went to Zlatar (in Serbia) and also Montenegro, and did a variety of activities. It was fun to be with my friends and do activities that we wouldn’t usually do. I got out of my comfort zone on a number of occasions, more so with the white water rafting, but it was worth it.
Out of comfort zone moment: Being selected to the grade and school is definitely out of my comfort zone. Last year, having to make a speech in front of a full audience after a whole school music performance, was terrifying. I ended up doing the job, pretty successfully I was told, and I’m proud of it.
Future aspirations: I wish to continue joining a lot of activities, work hard to get high grades, and make the most of my amazing friendships. Anything further than that is too far to think about!