The Value of Not-for-Profit Education at ISB

Student Life
4 minutes Min read time
At the International School of Belgrade, being a not-for-profit school means that all tuition is invested back into student success, ensuring a world-class education rooted in values of respect, responsibility, integrity, and empathy.

In an increasingly competitive global education market, many international schools are operated by corporations focused on financial gain, aiming to maximize profits and minimize costs. These for-profit schools direct tuition funds toward shareholders, leaving less investment in students' learning experiences. At the International School of Belgrade (ISB), we stand apart.

As a not-for-profit international school, ISB invests all tuition revenue into supporting our mission to inspire, prepare, and empower students to succeed and contribute positively to society. As a result, ISB students receive a world-class education that not only prepares them for acceptance into top universities but also fosters the development of skills and values that drive them to become global contributors in their chosen fields.

ISB’s core values—respect, responsibility, integrity, and empathy—are the foundation of everything we do. Being a not-for-profit school reflects our commitment to these values. Our focus is on the long-term growth and success of our students, rather than short-term financial returns. We are dedicated to creating a supportive, collaborative learning environment where resources are allocated to maximize the educational experience and well-being of our students.

By choosing ISB, families are making an investment in their child’s future, where the return is measured in academic excellence, personal growth, and the lasting impact our students will have on the world.